PO No. |
Date |
Supplier |
Description |
Amount |
September 4, 2013 |
N-0565-2013 |
08/02/2013 |
Pearl Onions Foods & Catering Services |
45 pax A.M. (ony): Banana & Pineapple juice and etc. for the use in District II Blaide Officers and Supervising Technicians Re- Tolling Seminar on Livestock Techno Updates (PVO) |
7,641.00 |
S-0529-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
Uymataio Petron Service Center |
1,818 liters Diesel Fuel (Office of BM Peve Obaniana-Ligan, Legilative Bldg., Capital Area, Dgte. City ) |
92,718.00 |
S-0521-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
1 pc Optical Mouse and etc. (PGSO, Capitol Area) |
1,095.00 |
S-0521-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
24 bots Rubbing Alcohol, 70% sol. 500ml and etc. (PGSO, Capitol Area) |
10,531.60 |
S-0492-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
3 PC Toner-Samsung MLT-D104S and etc. (PGSO-BAC Secretariat) |
13,675.00 |
S-0530-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
A&M Medcare Products Distributors |
21 bx Amoxicillin 250mg, 100 cap/bx and etc. (Community primary Hospitals Office) |
47,929.00 |
S-0508-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
A&M Medcare Products Distributors |
50 bots Aluminum Mag. Hyd. Susp. 60ml and etc. (CLLMMH Siaton, Neg. Or.) |
103,832.25 |
S-0508-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
300 caps Cefaclor 500mg cap. And etc. (CLLMMH Siaton, Negros Oriental) |
70,307.00 |
S-0520-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
JRV Traders |
50 amps Aminophylline amp and etc. ( Mabinay Medicare Community Hospital) |
71,490.00 |
S-0489-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
2 unit Computer Set with accessories and etc. (Provincial Assessor’s Office) |
71,880.00 |
N-0576-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
Ramar Kooling System |
To furnish Labor and materials for the General repair and overhauling of one (1) unit Split type wall Airconditioner of the Prov’l. Accounting Office, materials needed: 1 unit Magnetic Contractor and etc. ( Provincial Accountant’s Office) |
12,368.00 |
S-0495-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
1 LOT Carpentry materials & Accessories and etc. ( PGSO) |
220,906.00 |
S-0488-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
168 bots. Dextrose 5% LRS 1000ml and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental) |
51,555.36 |
S-0489-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
300 bots. Alcohol 70% Ethyl 500ml and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Negros Oriental) |
83,047.60 |
S-0581-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Ortega’s Art |
5 pcs To furnish Materials for 5 pcs. Fabrication of Rubber Stamps of the Office of the Vice Governor. (Provincial Secretary’s Office) |
700.00 |
N-0076-2013 |
03/15/2013 |
Dumaguete Upholstery & Textile Center |
1 lot To furnish labor and materials including installation of curtain rods for the curtains good for 3 doors and 3 windows for use at BAC office.( BAC- Sec Office) |
22,621.00 |
N-0566-2013 |
08/07/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
1 unit Colored Printer w/ CISS, Epson L110 ( NegOr GIS Unit, ENRD, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City) |
5,999.00 |
S-0526-2013 |
08/07/2013 |
3 G’S Trading |
19 bags Pullet Developer and etc. (Provincial Veterinarian’s Office) |
86,082.75 |
N-30-2013 |
01/02/2013 |
HTE Newsmag & Gen. Mdse. |
1 lot Newspaper subscription for the month of January, February and March 2013(Provincial General Services Office) |
1,260.00 |
S-0534-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Big & Sturdy Marketing |
12 roll Packing tape and etc. (Provincials Governor’s Office) |
49,187.20 |
S-0517-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
50 rms. Bond Paper Long Sub. 16 and etc. (Office of the Clerk of Court, RTC) |
18,297.50 |
N-0609-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
D-Lite Commercials |
1 pc R2-Timing Belt (Bando) and etc. (Mabinay Medicare Community Hospital) |
46,450.00 |
N-0562-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Scud Auto Service Center |
1 To furnish Labor & Necessary materials? Parts for the following Services to be done for Vehicle No. SCN-700, Toyota Hi-Lux, of the Provincial Agriculture Office , Viz; 1 pc Replace glow plug relay & electrical repair and etc. ( Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
12,710.00 |
S-0519-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
4 gals Povidone iodine sol 10% and etc. (Mabinay Medicare Community Hospital) |
68,653.30 |
S-0519-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
Clarenzon MKTG. |
4 boxes Chromic 2-0 with needle and etc. (Mabinay Medicar Community Hospital) |
12,400.00 |
N-0568(A)-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
Mizpah Pharmaceuticals & Dist. |
3 boxes Dolfenal 500mg and etc. ( Provincial Governor’s Office) |
48,766.95 |
S-0472-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
Saviour MeDevices Inc. |
300 pcs. IV Cannula g#20 and etc. ( Bindoy District Hospital) |
17, 500.00 |
N-0541-2013 |
07/30/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
14 liters Coolant Prestone Ready to use (Office of the Secretary to the SP) |
5,236.00 |
S-0484-2013 |
07/30/2013 |
Travis James Enterprises |
200 pcs Pressed Folder long US Thick and etc. ( Office of the Secretary to the SP) |
4,569.40 |
S-0514-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
5 bxs Onsite Typhoid Combo Rapid Test Advanced Quality and etc. (PHO- Lboratory Section) |
97,946.20 |
N-0451-2013 |
06/17/2013 |
Bacolod Sticker House |
25 pcs. Sweatshirt @ 420.00/piece and etc. (PGO) |
25,075.00 |
N-0569-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
2 bxs UTP Cable CAT6 ( NOPH- IT Section) |
21,970.00 |
N-0502-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Fox Computer Service Center |
1 lot To furnish Labor for Convertion/replacement NEC/token IC to 1,200uf Tantalum capacitor of ACER laptop of BDH (Bayawan Disrict Hospital) |
3,480.00 |
N-0304-2013 |
07/26/2013 |
Dgte. Kwik-way Eng’g Works |
1 lot To furnish labor for the following job orders of the service vehicle w/ plate number SCN-727 Assigned to the Governor’s Office: 1. Main Journal Regrind (0.25) and etc. ( Provincial Governor’s Office) |
18,950.40 |
N-0584-2013 |
08/02/2013 |
Big & Sturdy Marketing |
25 bots. Baby Powder and etc. ( Provincial Governor’s Office) |
48,689.95 |
N-0494-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
1 pc Combination Lever Switch and etc. (ENRD Office) |
7,040.00 |
N-0478-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
2 pcs Battery 12V-11 plates and etc. ( ENRD Office) |
14,040.00 |
N-0442-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
1 pc Clutch Slave Assembly and etc. ( ENRD Office) |
6,915.00 |
N-0416-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
6 mtrs No.18 Auto Wire and etc. (ENRD Office) |
2,308.00 |
N-0570-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
1 pc. Solenoid Starter, FDS-0121 and etc. (Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
6,850.00 |
N-0553-2013 |
07/27/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
4 PCS. U-Bolt, 30 x 27 x 93 x 300 and etc. ( Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
6,610.00 |
N-0459-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
4G Auto Parts |
2 pcs Cross Joint ( Provincial Veterinarian’s Office) |
22,700.00 |
N-0319(A)-2013 |
05/08/2013 |
Big & Sturdy Marketing |
20 sacks Rice and etc. (Provincial Governor’s Office) |
149,686.80 |
N-0523-2013 |
07/24/2013 |
Scuds Auto Service Center |
1 To Furnish Labor & Necessary Materials/ Parts for the Following Job Services to be done for Vehicle No. GMV, Mitsubishi Jeep of the Provincial Agriculture Office ( Provincial Agriculturist Office) |
10,800.00 |
N-0550-2013 |
07/24/2013 |
Ramar Kooling System |
1 To Furnish labor and parts of the repair of the airconditioning unit of the service vehicle Mitsubishi Delica Van with Plate No. SHC- 784 Assigned to the Office of the Provincial Governor. ( Provincial Governor’s Offcie) |
3,900.00 |
N-0388-2013 |
06/17/2013 |
Algorithm Computer Services |
1 unit Canon Digital Camera, Powershot A2-400 ( PPDO Office) |
6,380.00 |
N-0388-2013 |
06/17/2013 |
Ramar Kooling System |
2 units Aircon Compressor,3TR (including Installation, Charging of Freon, flushing of system, capacitor, etc.) (PPDO Office) |
63,000.00 |
S-0494-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
3 pcs Canon Toner NPG-51 and etc. (Maintenance Department –PGSO) |
23,838.00 |
D-117-2013 |
06/20/2013 |
Manila Bulletin Publishing Corp. |
1 To furnish Labor and materials for the publication “Invitation to Bid” for 10,000 tanks Medical Oxygen, Refilled standard for the use at the CSR Section of NOPH. (Bid No. B-107-2013) Bid Opening on July 10, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. at Old Session Hall, Capitol Building, Dumaguete City ( Bids and Awards Committee) |
10,393.60 |
S-0427-2013 |
06/27/2013 |
Uymatiao Petron Service Center |
500 liters Diesel Fuel ( COA, Capitol bldg., Dumaguete City) |
25, 450.00 |
S-0425-2013 |
06/27/2013 |
Algorithm Computer Services |
21 cart. HP Ink Cartridge No. 901-Black and etc. (COA-Team 1, Dumaguete City) |
33,138.00 |
D-0611-2013 |
08/02/2013 |
Copylandia Office Systems Corporation |
`2 CART. Toner TN113 and etc. (COA, Capitol Bldg,, Dumaguete City) |
9,700.00 |
N-0518-2013 |
07/24/2013 |
Ramar Kooling System |
1 PC Capacitor 35 UF and etc. ( Provincial Tourism Unit) |
1,700.00 |
S-0468-2018 |
08/01/2013 |
Uymatiao Petron Service Center |
230 liters Diesel Fuel (NORTLDC, Provincial Nursery Compound, Dumaguete City) |
11,412.60 |
N-0545-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
DB Imprinta & Enterprises |
1 lot To Furnish Labor and Materials for the printing of information, Education Campaign (IEC) Materials /(PGO) |
249,999.80 |
S-0483-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Clarenzon Mktg. |
5 box Typhidot and etc. ( CLLMMh Siaton, Negros Oriental) |
126,497.45 |
N-0485-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Olimpio Placiencia Jr. |
1 To furnish labor for the repair of 1 unit Dental Chair of CLLMMH Siaton, Negros Oriental.(Siaton Memorial Hospital) |
1,400.00 |
N-0540-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
150 pcs Seedling Pot 35cm and etc. ( ENRD Office) |
28,750.00 |
S-0499-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
6 pcs Computer Cartridge Ink-Canon 830 (Black) and etc. ( ENRD Office) |
40,194.00 |
S-0457-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
3 pcs Computer Ink-Cyan T0732N and etc. (PGO-PCDC) |
17,475.00 |
S-0321-2013 |
07/23/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
1 pc Samsung Toner ML1610(Black) and etc. (Offcie of the Governor) |
11,993.45 |
N-0554-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
8G Marketing |
1 Lot Lubricants and etc. (Maintenance Department-PGSO) |
60,318.32 |
S-0525-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Linde Philippine (South), Inc. |
54 tank Medical Oxygen (Community Primary Hospitals Office) |
24,300.00 |
S-0481-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
N&M Medical Supply |
200 pcs Administration set, Adult and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
53,840.00 |
N-0574-2013 |
07/30/2013 |
ZIPLINK Graphix Signs & Solutions |
3, 703 pcs. Ecobags (Provincial Tourism Office) |
196,259.00 |
S-0456-2013 |
07/08/2013 |
Uymatiao Petron Service Center |
1000 liters Diesel Fuel (Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
49,620.00 |
N-112-2013 |
04/12/2013 |
LAM Store II |
1 Lot Rental of Tables during the Palarong Pambansa 2013 covering the period of April 18-26, 2013 (PGO-NOSDEP) |
15,600.00 |
S-0504-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
6 tubes Ink for Riso (CR1630AW) and etc. (Bayawan District Hospital) |
51,089.00 |
S-0505-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
100 CN Toilet bowl cleanser (AJAC) and etc. (Bayawan District Hospital) |
38,801.00 |
S-0512-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
100 pcs Green folder w/ metal tab and etc. (Provincial Governor’s Office) |
37,627.00 |
S-0510-2013 |
08/01/2013 |
Cherodyll Commercial |
50 bxs. Syringe # 1cc w/ Needle (TERUMO) and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
276,850.00 |
N-0612-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
National Food Authority |
90 sacks NFA Rice, 50kls. (Provincial Warden’s Office) |
112,500.00 |
S-0496-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
Golden Rule Store |
1,000 pcs. Folder long 14 points and etc. (Bais District Hospital) |
49,702.00 |
S-0462-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
500 vial Ceftriaxone 1gm and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital) |
189,110.00 |
S-0462-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
MCZ Trading |
50 bots Paracetamol drops and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital)q |
29,319.00 |
S-0462-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
JRV Traders |
5,000 caps Cefalexin 500mg and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital) |
62,435.00 |
D-0539-2013 |
07/26/2013 |
U-Bix Corporation |
1 pc Fusing Unit 4137R70900 (PGO) |
9,307.00 |
S-0491-2013 |
07/30/2013 |
Macrophil Pharma & Medical Supplies |
100 pks. Gauze sponges 3x3x100s, 24 x 28 mesh, 8-ply and etc. ( Bais District Hospital) |
123,870.00 |
S-0491-2013 |
07/30/2013 |
Cherodyll Commercial |
100 pks. Gauze sponges 4x4x100s, 24×28 mesh. 8-ply and etc. (Bais District Hospital) |
119,250.00 |
N-118-2013 |
06/26/2013 |
Ms. Ann’s Foodtown |
Provision of PM snacks good for 1000 pax to be served during the Oath taking of the Provincial Newly Elected Officials held at the Convention Center Capitol Area on Sunday, June 30, 2013 ( in the place where the activity held) |
49,850.00 |
N-0568-2013 |
07/31/2013 |
Botica Real |
5 vial Berirab and etc. (Provincial Governor’s Office) |
493,790.75 |
S-0357-2013 |
06/19/2013 |
Atong Botica |
127 tab Sinecod Forte tab and etc. (BM Alanano’s Office) |
197,301.00 |
S-0490-2013 |
07/29/2013 |
Cherodyll Commercial |
100 vials Metronidazole 500ml IV Solution and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital) |
100,535.00 |
S-0532-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
5 pcs Cell Card Smart 500 and etc. (Provincial General Service Office) |
4,509.00 |
N-0512-2013 |
08/05/2013 |
UNY Marketing |
50 pcs To provide printing and reproduction of 50 pcs. Round neck white T-shirt w/ print (PHO) |
S-0506-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
PRB Commercials |
2 uls Anti A and etc. ( Bayawan District Hospital) |
157,519.25 |
N-0577-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Provincial Treasurer’s Office |
50 pads Customized Cash Ticket @50 centavo denomination and etc. (Provincial Treasurer Office) |
56,835.00 |
N-0633-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
AVM Batteries Center |
4 set Tire Cooper R16 ( SPO) |
55, 920.00 |
N-0646-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Jeric Auto Parts |
1 set Early warning Device and etc. ( PGO-NOSDEP) |
21,410.00 |
N-0641-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Provincial Treasurer’s Office |
51 stb Official receipts (carbonless) ( Bayawan District Hospital) |
6,885.00 |
N-0567-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
6 pcs. Plate, Glass, Big and etc. ( NegOr GIS Unit, ENRD, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City) |
960.00 |
S-0507-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
4 Boxes Bond Paper, Short, 500 Shts/Rim, Copy & Laser Paper and etc. (NegOr GIS Unit, ENRD, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City) |
27, 277.50
N-0499-2013 |
8/23/2013 |
Verlyn’s Enterprises |
2 Lits Paint Plastic Primer and etc. ( Bindoy District Hospital) |
24,891.60 |
N-0543-2013 |
8/13/2013 |
R. Mikel Marketing |
1 pc Creston Adj. Wrech 12” and etc. ( Siaton Memorial Hospital) |
1,701.00 |
S-0574-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
N&M Medical Supply |
10 bots Anti D Sera and etc. ( GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
463,966.00 |
S-0579-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
45 ream Paper, bond, Premium Grade, Long and etc. ( CLLMMH Siaton, Neg. Or) |
27,810.00 |
N-0623-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Jeric Auto Parts |
1 set Brake pad ( Kia Besta 2.2) and etc. (Bayawan District Hospital) |
3,630.00 |
D-0686-2013 |
8/22/2013 |
U-Bix Corporation |
4 piece Roller (4030300501) and etc. (Capitol Area, Dumaguete City) |
43,422.00 |
N-0419-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
AYGC Power Prints Station |
Labor and materials for the printing of Digital tarpaulins of various sizes for the use of the Tourism Unit. ( Provincial Tourism Unit) |
5,694.00 |
N-0591-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
D-Lite Commercial |
1 pc Volcaduro tire w/ inner tube 18 x 410 for Honda XR-200 and etc. (NegOr GIS Unit, ENRD, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City) |
21,570.00 |
N-0549-2013 |
8/13/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Solutions |
1 unit To Furnish labor and materials for the repair of 1 unit printer Epson for the NOSDEP Office ( NOSDEP Office) |
1,200.00 |
N-0610-2013 |
08/07/2013 |
Plaza Maria Luisa Suites Inn |
Provision for one meal and two snacks (AM/PM) for two hundred participants; Division Superintendent of School, Division/ District Supervisor, School Principal, GPAK Teacher In-Charge, GPAK Technicians, GPAK Technical Working Group and GPAK Validators during the conduct of GPAK Consultative Workshop & Recognition for SY 2013-2014 on August 7, 2013 (Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
74,910.00 |
S-0223-2013 |
04/11/2013 |
Frediswinda Morgia |
0.5 kilo carrot (NORTLDC, Provincial Nursery Compound, Dumaguete City) |
31.00 |
S-0223-2013 |
04/11/2013 |
New Yan Yan Commercial |
1 pack Cornstarch and etc. (NORTLDC, Provincial Nursery Compound, Dumaguete City) |
659.30 |
S-0570-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
100 pks. Gauze sponges 3 x 3 x 100’s, 24 x 28 mesh, 8-ply and etc. (Bais District Hospital) |
213,272.90 |
S-0570-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Berovan Marketing Inc. |
35 bxs. Disposable syringe 5cc x 100’s w/ 1” sharp needles, plunger-barrels well fitted, & w/ Luer lock tip ( Bais District Hospital) |
30,625.00 |
N-0629-2013 |
8/19/2013 |
Bethyl Enterprises |
1 lot Furnish labor and materials for booth dressing for the Province’s participation in the 24th Phillippine Travel Mart on Sept. 6-8, 2013 at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia, Pasay City (Provincial Tourism Office) |
34,999.95 |
N-0010-2013 |
03/05/2013 |
Corban Enterprises & Engineering Services |
4 pcs Office Tables (Governor’s Office) |
13,960.00 |
S-0528-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Clarenzon Marketing |
1 set anti A,B, D and etc. (Bais District Hospital) |
193,280.70 |
N-0668-2013 |
8/22/2013 |
Provincial Treasurer’s Office |
10 bxs Accountable Form #51 – Continous Form ( NOPH Supply Office) |
59,400.00 |
N-0621-213 |
08/13/2013 |
National Statistics Office |
24 pads Birth Certificate (MF # 102) and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
14,640.00 |
N-0559-2013 |
08/06/2013 |
Polaris Power Engineering |
1 set Relay Unit (OMRON) 61F-11-61F-G-OTE Floatless Level Switch Source- 110/220 VAC S. Voltage- 8 VAC (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
2,375.00 |
N-0622-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Provincial Treasurer’s Office |
6 pcs. Cash Book for Regular Accountable Officer (Gen. Form No. 103) (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
3, 952.80 |
N-0564-2013 |
07/17/2013 |
Edyssa Catering Services |
1 Provision of one meal and two snacks AM & PM for fifty (50) participants for GPAK implementers of Basay, Negros Oriental on July 23, 2013 during the training of Trainors for GPAK implementers of Basay, Negros Oriental) ( Provincial Agriculturist Office) |
7,985.00 |
N-55-2013 |
04/16/2013 |
Pearl Onions Foods & Catering Services |
40 pax Provision of meals for the tourism value chain for Negros Oriental Focus Group Discussion for Enablers and Government Sector on April 16, 2013 at the Sidlakang Negros Village Conference Hall. ( Sidlakang Negros Village Conference Hall) |
9,996.00 |
N-100-2013 |
05/15/2013 |
Pearl Onions Foods & Catering Services |
Provision of one(1) lunch and two(2) snacks for 225 participants during the Training on Herbal Medicine. (in the place where the activity held) |
44,977.50 |
S-0552-2013 |
08/27/2013 |
Cherodyll Commercial |
3 box Typhidot specific and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital) |
160,500.00 |
S-0552-2013 |
08/27/2013 |
JRV Traders |
24 pcs Wadding Sheet and etc. (Bindoy District Hospital) |
31,608.00 |
S-114-2013 |
03/07/2013 |
Uymatiao Petron Service Center |
10 liters Diesel Fuel ( NORTLDC, Provincial Nursery Compound, Dumaguete City) |
466.70 |
N-0619-2013 |
08/20/2013 |
A&M Medcare Products Distributor |
1 Lot Various medicines comprising of the ff: 10 Boxes Metformin tab 500mg and etc. (PGO) |
398,975.00 |
S-0605-2013 |
08/23/2013 |
Jev FilOil Gas Station |
226 liters Fuel (Diesel) ( Vice-Governor’s Office) |
11,997.35 |
N-0521-2013 |
07/24/2013 |
F.F Sibi Enterprises Inc. |
Furnish Labor and materials for the printing of Various promotional collaterals , e.g. twin lakes brochures, bird watching brochures & folders for the use of the Provincial Tourism Unit.(Provincial Tourism Unit) |
368,292.60 |
N-146-2013 |
08/7/2013 |
PKF Research, Consultancy and Development |
1 lot To provide training materials and hand-outs for training module and syllabus and services as training director, lead facilitator, secretariat, resource speakers in one(1) package during the conduct of performance review and planning workshop (PRPW) for the Provincial Government of Neg. Or. From August 7,8,9 to be held at Lake Balanan, Siaton, Negros Oriental ( PGO) |
150,000.00 |
S-0573-2013 |
08/22/2013 |
Bethyl Enterprises |
1 packs Board Paper 10”s and etc. (PGO) |
99,826.25 |
N-0547-2013 |
07/16/2013 |
Plaza Maria Luisa Suites Inn |
1 Provision of one meal and two (2) snacks AM & PM for fifteen (15) participants for (GPAK) Gulayan at Palaisdaan Alay sa Kabataan Program TWG Technical Working Group & Validators during the GPAK TWG and Validators Workshops come July 16, 2013. ( Provincial Agriculture Office) |
5,580.00 |
S-0542-2013 |
08/19/2013 |
3G’s Trading |
12 bot Hemovac and etc. (Provincial Veterinary Office) |
67,360.00 |
S-0531-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Staple Square Enterprises |
5 box Computer Continuous Forms, 4 ply (long) and etc. ( Provincial Treasurer’s Office) |
46,615.00 |
S-0516-2013 |
07/24/2013 |
JEV FilOil Gas Station |
100 liters Unleaded Gasoline ( Provincial Agriculturist Office) |
6,490.00 |
S-0535-2013 |
08/20/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
10 pcs Refill parker pens and etc. ( Provincial Governor’s Office) |
46,795.00 |
S-0522-2013 |
08/08/2013 |
Caballes Printing Press |
3,000 pcs. Index Card ( Salary) and etc. ( Provincial Accountants Office) |
34,125.00 |
N-0463-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Caballes Printing Press |
20 pads Labor and materials for the printing of 20 desk pads of Governor Roel R. Degamo ( Provincial Governors Office) |
4,500.00 |
N-0586-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Jeric Auto Parts |
1 unit Labor and materials for the repair and maintenance of one (1) unit Motor Vehicle (Kawasaki Aura) with Plate No. 7H-99-9090 assigned at the Tourism Unit. ( Provincial Tourism Office) |
9,850.00 |
N-0375-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Travis James Enterprises |
4 units Telephone set, corded (NOPH Supply Office) |
12,000.00 |
S-0501-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Travis James Enterprises |
6 reams Book Paper 216mm 81/2 x 13-white and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
40,256.50 |
S-0500-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Travis James Enterprises |
6 BOTS. Baby powder 500g and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
133,039.15 |
N-0571-2013 |
07/17/2013 |
Edyssa Catering Services |
Two (2) Lunch & Two (2) snacks to be served to 40 participants during the 2 day LIVELIHOOD ENHANCEMENT: SKILLS TRAINING ON FISH PROCESSING & FISHERY PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT at Escaquit, Enrique Villanueva, Sibulan, Negros Oriental on July 17-18, 2013. (Provincial Agriculturist Office) |
9,984.00 |
D-0632-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Saviour MeDevices Inc. |
20 pcs Drain PFM Soft Flat, Active 4 x 10mm, 80cm L, 20cm, 150cc, Sterile (NOPH Supply Office) |
26,000.00 |
S-0536-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
20 bxs Methylergometrine tab and etc. (NOPH Supply Office) |
99,168.50 |
N-0647-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
D-Lite Commercials |
1 pc. Radiator Assy. and etc. (Provincial Accountants Office) |
17,750.00 |
S-0551-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
150 btls Essential Aminoacid 500ml ( NOPH Supply Office) |
97,320.00 |
S-0564-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
8 bxs Onsite Typoid Combo Rapid Test Advanced Quality and etc. (NOPH Supply Office) |
98,722.05 |
S-0583-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
RPB Commercials |
20 container Triple Distilled H2 O 5 gal/container (NOPH Supply Office) |
19,799.00 |
S-0568-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Berovan Marketing, Inc. |
1,330 pcs ID Band for Newborn, blue and etc. ( NOPH Supply Office) |
99,485.85 |
N-0604-2013 |
08/19/2013 |
Ace Logic Computer Services |
3 units UPS 650 VA/ 400watts (NOPH Supply Office) |
20,970.00 |
N-0680-2013 |
08/22/2013 |
National Food Authority |
54 bags NFA Rice ( PGO) |
67,500.00 |
S-0612-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Jev Filoil Gas Station |
1,000 liters Diesel Fuel (Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
55,000.00 |
D-0699-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Tsaleach Trading |
10 kits T-Isotonac 3 Diluent and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
473,440.00 |
S-0567-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Intermed Pharma & Medical Supplies, Inc. |
1,000 pc Infusion Set Adult ( CLLMMH Siaton, Negg. Or.) |
48,685.00 |
S-0550-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Beracah Pharmaceuticals Phils., Inc. |
24 btls Divalproex Sodium 250mg tab x 100’s ( NOPH Supply Office) |
53,040.00 |
S-0537-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
N&M Medical Supplies |
50 bxs Hypoallergenic Plaster and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
74,776.70 |
S-0577-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
St. Michael Enterprises |
45 pcs Cellcards (Smart, Globe/TNT) (Bais District Hospital) |
14,400.00 |
S-0527-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
Mizpah Pharmaceuticals & Dist. |
75 bts. Aluminum Hydroxide 60ml. and etc. (Bais District Hospital) |
207,462.00 |
S-0571-2013 |
08/30/2013 |
Verlyn’s Enterprises |
48 rls Toilet Paper and etc. (Provincial Governor’s Office) |
13,730.60 |
S-0558(A)-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Cherodyll Commercial |
600 amps Vitamin B Complex amps and etc. (NOPH Supply Office) |
99,438.00 |
S-0548-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
LJIM Trading |
1 pc Toner, Minolta Cart. 10IB (Office of the Clerk of Court, RTC) |
2,999.50 |
S-0539-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Jeric Auto Parts |
1 pc Oil Filter -512 and etc. (COA, Capitol Bldg, Dumaguete City) |
2,250.00 |
N-0640-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
3G’s Marketing |
15 bags Corn Bran and etc. (Provincial Agriculturist’s Office) |
39,905.00 |
N-0600-2013 |
08/28/2013 |
3G’s Trading |
6,756 pcs Various Endemic-Timber Tree Seedling ( Various ISF Sites and Watershed Areas) |
165,522.00 |
S-0530-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
A&M Medcare Products Distributors |
21 bx Amoxicillin 500mg, 100cap/bx and etc. (Community Primary Hospitals Office) |
47,929.00 |
S-0523-2013 |
08/13/2013 |
Linde Philippines (South), Inc. |
600 tnk Oxygen Refill (Bayawan District Hospital) |
300,000.00 |
S-0554-2013 |
08/29/2013 |
Big & Sturdy Marketing |
6 bxs. I.E Gloves size 61/2 and etc. (GWVMH, Guihulngan City, Neg. Or.) |
9,016.00 |