Addendum No. 1



            This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders that due to some changes and/or modifications introduced by the Bids and Awards Committee, there is a need to CANCEL THE SCHEDULE FOR THE SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BIDS ON APRIL 28, 2014 AT 10:00AM for the project requirements:


  1. 1.      Six (6) Lots Various Office Supplies for the use in the PDC, DRR-CCA Enhanced PDPFP, PPDO & PLUC (ABC:P594,883.50)


  1. 2.      Two (2) Lots Various Office Supplies for the use of the Provincial Tourism Unit for the 2nd Quarter of CY 2014 (ABC:P27,938.00)


  1. 3.      Two (2) Lots Various Office Supplies for the use of the Canlaon District Hospital (ABC:P61,792.75)


  1. 4.      One Lot Various Office Supplies for the use at Supply Section of NOPH (ABC:P355,493.10)


under Bid No. B-34-2014 with Total ABC:P1,040,107.35



For the information and guidance of all concerned.



Issued this 24th day of April  2014.





Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee