Addendum No. 2


This Bid Bulletin is issued to inform prospective Bidders of the changes in the schedule for the pre-bid conference and the submission and opening of bids for the project requirements “To furnish labor and materials in the conduct of Tax Mapping Project in the municipalities of Amlan, Basay, Dauin, Pamplona, San Jose, La Libertad and Zamboanguita with estimate of 100,000 Real Property Unit (RPU)” under Bid No. B-119-2016, ABC P2,000,000.00 viz:


  • Pre-bid Conference: December 12, 2016 (10:15 in the morning)


  • Submission and opening of bids: December 26, 2016 (3:00 in the afternoon)



Issued this 8th day of December, 2016.


For the information and guidance of all concerned.



                          NESTOR R. VILLAFLORES

                                         BAC Chairperson



For BAC Chairperson:




                                     BAC Secretariat Head