The Philippine National Police (PNP) has reported recently that Negros Oriental’s crime volume went up by 3.83 percent in the first quarter of this year compared to incidents reported in the same period of last year.
PSr./Supt. Mariano Natuel Jr., PNP provincial director said crime statistics from January to March this year totaled to 5,495, of which 2,491 were taken from the PNP blotter, 2,430 from barangay blotter, while the 574 came from other law enforcement agencies.
In a provincial peace and order council meeting recently, Natuel said that on the PNP’s crime records, a total of 1,298 are index crimes and 1,193 are non-index.
For index crimes, or crimes committed against persons or property, the breakdown is as follows: murder, 49; physical injury, 612; theft, 388; robbery, 91; homicide, 38; rape, 52; 58 incidents for carnapping; and 10 for cattle rustling.
For non-index crimes or offenses punishable under the Revised Penal Code and Special Laws such as enforcement on Republic Act 9165 or anti-drug law and RA 9287 or anti- illegal gambling law, the PNP registered a total of 1,193 incidents.
It is noted that among the six cities, Dumaguete City, the capital center of the province, registered the highest share of total crime volume from 965 in 2014 to 1,110 this year.
Sibulan, the adjacent municipality of Dumaguete City, also has the highest total crime volume recorded from 147 in 2014 to 158 crime incidents this year.
However, Natuel said its crime clearance efficiency increased 54.20 percent from only 50.90 percent during the same period while in index crimes efficiency also increased from 35. 29 to 39.65 percent.
The provincial police conducted 83 operations against illegal drugs resulting to 99 apprehensions and confiscated drugs worth around P3 million and 117 cases filed, Natuel said.
Other police accomplishments on flagship programs include loose firearms with 55 operations, 144 arrested wanted persons, and 23 operations with 32 persons arrested in illegal gambling.
“The untiring effort of police force in the campaign against all forms of lawlessness has resulted into much peaceful environment with trust and respect of the Negrenses as partner in providing them a desirable place to live, work and do business,” said the police director. (rmn/jct/PIA7-Negros Oriental)