Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount
B-173-2019 01/30/2020 UYCOM ENTERPRISE Project Name 1 Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Concreting of Barangay Road, Libjo, Dauin, Negros Oriental

Project Name 2 Two (2) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Additional Appropriation for the Development of Balanan Lake Tourism Facilities, Siaton, Negros Oriental

LCRB for Project 1 – Lot 1 only.

    ZV FISHING & CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES Project Name 1 Four (4) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Concreting of Barangay Road, Libjo, Dauin, Negros Oriental

Project Name 2 Two (2) Lots Construction Materials for use in the Additional Appropriation for the Development of Balanan Lake Tourism Facilities, Siaton, Negros Oriental

LCRB for Project 1 – Lot 2-4, Project 2 – Lot 1 & 2 only.
