Ref. No. Date Supplier Description Amount
B-108-2018 12/20/2018 RPB COMMERCIALS  Various Medical Supplies for the use at CSR Section of NOPH

LCRB for items # 3,4,20,21,22,23,24,25,49,81,82,83,88,89 & 101 only.

B-108-2018 12/20/2018 BEWISE TRADING CORP. PHARMAPLUS  Various Medical Supplies for the use at CSR Section of NOPH

LCRB for items # 12,13,14,18,42,45,58,69,76,104,105  & 119 only.

B-108-2018 12/20/2018 BEROVAN MARKETING INC. Various Medical Supplies for the use at CSR Section of NOPH

LCRB for items # 1,2,6,8,11,15,16,19,26,27,33,37-39,40,41,43,44,47,48,56,57,59,64-66,68,70-75,77-80,84,86,87,106,107,108,110-112 only.

B-108-2018 12/20/2018 JAC MEDICAL DISTRIBUTORS   Various Medical Supplies for the use at CSR Section of NOPH

LCRB for items # 9,29,30,31,32,50,51-55,67,91-100 only.
