Gov. Roel Degamo yesterday ordered the Negros Oriental Provincial Police Office to intensify their efforts against all forms of illegal activities, particularly those involving prohibited drugs and gambling.

He also congratulated the NOPPO, headed by OIC director, Supt. Alet Virtucio, for a “job well done” in combating criminality in the province in 2013.

Virtucio was joined by the police chiefs of the six cities and 19 towns of the province, unit commanders and staff in their New Year’s courtesy call on the governor at the Capitol in Dumaguete City yesterday.

Degamo thanked the NOPPO for the concerted efforts to maintain law and order despite the absence of a full-fledged director, since the relief of Senior Supt. Edward Carranza before the May 2013 elections.

He said he believes the police can do better once a new provincial director is installed to lead them.

Degamo also lamented the spate of shooting incidents in the province last year, majority of which occurred in Dumaguete.

He said he condemned the extra-judicial killings, that police said, were the result of a turf war between rival groups involved in the illegal drugs trade.*JFP